Please Note this is not a full project list
The National SPLUMA long term implementation strategy (2017)
Client: The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD)
This project included the planning capacity per province and status of the implementation of the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act, 2013 (Act No.16 of 2013) as well as determining key strategies, implementing priorities and responsibilities as well as resource requirements.

The National Spatial Development Framework (NSDF) NSDF Implementation Charter and Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (2021) (available on DALRRD website)
Client: The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD)
The purpose of the Implementation Charter and the M&E M&E Framework is to guide the whole of government and its development partners on the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the National Spatial Development Framework (NSDF) with specific outcomes and indicators to monitor.
Shared service model for district development model district municipalities (2021)
Client: Development Bank of South Africa (DBSA) and Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (DCOGTA)
This project involved the preparing a feasibility study for a shared services model to pilot in the OR Tambo and Waterberg Districts, as a key complementary component of the District Development Model (DDM) implementation strategy considering key areas of sharing based on capacity and need.

Guidelines for the Provision of Open Space in South Africa (2017)
Client: The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD)
The purpose of this project was to produce a set of guidelines that are based on uniform principles for the definition, quantification, siting, demarcation, categorisation, regulation, management and maintenance and design principles in respect of SA open spaces.

Municipal industrial Development Strategy (2018)
Client: Msunduzi Municipality
This project included physical character of the municipality, socio-economic analysis of the municipal area, profiling of current industries, industrial sectors, spatial criteria per industry, land availability and projected needs, catalytic projects and strategic environmental considerations.

Climate Change Assessment for the City of Tshwane (2021 - 2022)
Client: City of Tshwane Municipality
To assist the City of Tshwane in determining the potential projected future impacts on streamflows in the area. This information was then used to assist in determining if the hydraulic infrastructure in this area required upgrading to accommodate future changes.

Development of a Framework and Methodology for Undertaking a Risk and Vulnerability Assessment in All Nine Water Management Areas of South Africa (2017 - 2018)
Client: GIZ Department of Environmental Affairs
This project developed a methodology to account for South Africa's diverse climate, catchment characteristics , non-climatic conditions, aquatic ecosystem and water resources conditions, including identification measures to deal with current climate and projected future climatic risks and vulnerabilities of water resources in South African catchments.

Durban Transformative Catchment Management Partnerships - Support to eThekwini Municipality's Transformative Riverine Management Program (TRMP) (2022 - 2023)
Client: AFD and eThekwini Municipality
Partner: Groundtruth
Through the establishment of the Transformative Riverine Management Programme (TRMP), the eThekwini Municipality Municipality in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, has developed a vision to partner with affected stakeholders to sustainably manage and rehabilitate riverine areas within the municipal area. In this project 4 catchments were selected for this study. In 2020, the ETM, supported by the C40 City Finance Facility (CFF), developed a business case for the TRMP. The TRMP is nested in the Durban Climate Change Strategy and its Climate Action Plan as a C40 city that is committed to ecosystem-based adaptation and increasing resilience.

Example of Dryflower

Macadamia Project (2022 - 2023)
Client: South African Macadamia Association
Given the significant investment in the Macadamias during the past few years in South Africa it is imperative that areas that are likely to become either less or more productive into the future are identified. This will facilitate the expansion and increase productivity within this industry. Hence, the importance of determining current vs future optimal areas for the growth of Macadamias in South Africa.

Kakushi Dam Feasibility Study (2022)
Client: GCS Consulting
Isik was approach by GCS Consulting to undertake a detailed water yield assessment on the Kakushi River in northern Zambia to determine if this system could support the construction of a dam with a capacity of 4 million cubic metres. Subsequent to a detailed exercise using the ACRU hydrological modelling system it was found that the dam would be able to support the proposed increase in irrigation, however, if the storage volume were increased to 6 million cubic metres the level of assurance would increase.